Responsible Business Conduct Policies

Statement of Our Core Values

  1. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: We believe that environmentally responsible practices are essential for a better future. This vision drives us to innovate and implement eco-friendly solutions across our product lines. We prioritize sustainability, aim to reduce our carbon footprint and conserve natural resources. This ensures that our products not only serve our customers' needs but also protect the planet for future generations.
  2. Quality and Authenticity: Our commitment to high-quality, original designs and durable materials demonstrates our vision of being a trusted, authentic and innovative brand in the pet product industry.
  3. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: Our products not only benefit the environment by reducing waste but also provide excellent value to our customers, reinforcing their trust in our brand. By focusing on durability, we aim to build a loyal customer base that appreciates our dedication to both quality and sustainability. Our high approval ratings and focus on customer satisfaction suggest a vision aimed at building a loyal customer base by consistently meeting and exceeding customer expectations.

Principles for Responsible Business Conduct

  1. Sustainability and Environmental Responsibility: Molly Mutt's mission is deeply rooted in sustainability, with a commitment to making upcycling and reusing easy. This is evident in our products, such as replacement dog bed covers, designed to extend the life of pet accessories and reduce waste. This approach underscores the company's dedication to sustainability in both product design and fabrication.
    • Eco-Friendly Materials: Use sustainable, recycled materials whenever possible.
    • Waste Reduction: Implement practices to minimize waste in manufacturing, packaging, and shipping. Customers use household textiles to fill dog beds thereby reducing waste in landfills.
    • Offsetting carbon emissions through the Climate Change Project - with the ultimate goal of being carbon neutral by 2030.
  2. Strong Supplier Relationships: We strive to have long-lasting relationships with suppliers to achieve mutual benefits and continuous improvement in the supply chain. Continuity begets efficiency and production/process streamlining. In 2022 we began working with suppliers to provide GOTS certified products and will be purchasing only GOTS certified textiles by the end of 2024.
  3. Quality Assurance
    • Testing Standards: Establish rigorous testing protocols to ensure product safety and efficacy.
    • Transparency: Provide clear and accurate information about product materials, origin, and appropriate use guidelines.
  4. Fair Labor Practices: Worker Rights: Ensure that all workers, including those in the supply chain are treated fairly and legally, with safe working conditions and fair wages
  5. Compliance and Reporting
    • Regulatory Compliance: Adhere to all local, national, and international regulations concerning pet products and business operations.
    • Whistleblower Protections: Implement a system for employees and stakeholders to report unethical behavior without fear of retaliation.
  6. Continuous Improvement
    • Feedback System: Establish a system to receive feedback from customers, employees, and partners to continually improve practices and products.
    • Regular Review: Periodically review the responsible business conduct policy to adapt to new challenges and opportunities

Respect for the Individual

Molly Mutt is an equal employment/affirmative action employer and is committed to providing a workplace that is free of discrimination of all types from abusive, offensive or harassing behavior. Employees who feel harassed or discriminated against should report the incident to our manager or to human resources.

Nothing in this policy is intended to, nor should be construed to limit or interfere with employee rights as set forth under all applicable provisions of the National Labor Relations Act, including Section 7 and 8(a)(1) rights to organize and engage in protected, concerted activities regarding the terms and conditions of employment.

  1. Treating Others with Dignity and Respect: Ensuring that all interactions are respectful, considerate, and free of any form of discrimination or harassment. This includes respecting diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences.
  2. Promoting Inclusivity: Creating an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and included. This may involve being open to different ideas and encouraging a variety of viewpoints.
  3. Avoiding Discrimination: Prohibiting any form of discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic. This applies to all aspects of employment, from hiring to day-to-day interactions.
  4. Preventing Harassment: Maintaining a workplace free of harassment, whether it's physical, verbal, or psychological. This includes sexual harassment and bullying.
  5. Encouraging Open Communication: Promoting an environment where employees feel comfortable voicing concerns, asking questions, and providing feedback without fear of retaliation.
  6. Conflict Resolution: Providing clear guidelines for resolving conflicts in a respectful and constructive manner. This can include mediation or other forms of dispute resolution.
  7. Respecting Privacy: Safeguarding personal and confidential information of employees, clients, and other stakeholders.
  8. Accountability: Holding all employees, regardless of position, accountable for our actions and ensuring that breaches of the code of conduct are addressed appropriately.

Respect for the Community

As a business, we recognize our significant role in society. We are conscious of our positive impacts, such as job creation and community development, as well as our negative externalities. We are committed to hiring and doing business with people and organizations in Oakland, California and our surrounding area.

Respect for the Environment

Climate change is a global issue, and every contribution from around the world is valuable. We see it as our responsibility to foster an environment across all our areas of operation that encourages the development and adoption of environmentally friendly technologies and products. We are committed to responsible production. We analyze and mitigate the environmental impact of operations – this includes:

  1. Conducting life cycle analyses of our products quarterly
  2. Encourage manufacturing suppliers to acknowledge their environmental responsibilities and provide support to help them adopt robust environmental health and safety policies and practices. Additionally, insist that they implement these same practices throughout their own supply chain.
  3. Continually enhancing product efficiency.
  4. Participating in the Climate Change Project - and offsetting our carbon emissions.
  5. Ensure that no chemicals deemed harmful to humans, animals, or the environment are present in our products.
  6. Progressively reducing energy, water and raw material consumption where possible.
  7. Waste management.

Due Diligence

  1. Embed the Policy: Molly Mutt utilizes specific practices in the daily operations and culture of our organization. For example a strict guideline of supplier onboarding is employed to ensure adherence to company sustainability and social commitments. Further information is provided in the Molly Mutt Due Diligence Implementation Framework.
  2. Identify and Assess: We regularly review our risk assessment in the following categories:
    • Supply chain
    • Quality assurance
    • Transportation
    • Finance
    • Marketplace
  3. Cease, Prevent, and Mitigate: For each of the above categories, we have created and maintained Corrective Action Plans.
  4. Tracking, Implementation, and Results: Molly Mutt employs agents to verify and validate our due diligence effectiveness - in both our operation and the overall supply chain.
  5. Communicate Impacts to All: We commit to being transparent in our due diligence efforts by communicating our findings to our customers.
  6. Remediate Accordingly