wool bed refresher kit

includes: ~20% more wool, 1 zippered encasement, 1 deodorizing spray
$41.70 - $84.85

designed for dog beds

  • booster pack of additional wool
  • new zippered encasement
  • bonus bottle of fresh bed deodorizer

If your dog is a heavy nester, you may find that your molly mutt wool dog bed insert becomes compacted over time. While typically it's easy to manually fluff up the wool, some of our doggy friends appreciate an extra-fresh, extra-fluffy nest.

Our refresher kit lets you transfer the wool from your old insert into a brand-new zippered insert, add some additional fresh wool, and zip it back into your favorite duvet cover.

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We suggest "refreshing" your wool-filled insert about once per month for best performance. Here's how:

  1. Remove the insert from its cover
  2. Grab the wool through the encasement cover and pull it apart
  3. Leave the insert in the sun (inside is fine) for an hour or so

If it's been a few years since you purchased your insert, it might need a bit more wool to get back to its original loftiness. So, we've created a refresher kit to do just that! It includes:

  • ~20% more woool
  • 1 zippered encasement
  • 1 bottle of bed freshener
If you recently purchased a wool insert and you think it was under filled, please contact us for a resolution.

no toxic chemicals

No Flame Retardants
No Pesticides
No Phthalates

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